前の章へ: OVIR
次の章へ: 在モスクワ日本日本大使館について
As of May 15th immigration is becoming very strict on extending Transit
Visas. Now they are extending for only 5 - 10 days. If you show them a
train or plane ticket out of the country it seems they will extend until
that date, even if it's more than 10 days. If you booked a ticket with
us and we don't have a ticket here yet we will give you a receipt to show
them. !!! Very important !!! The extension starts on the day of application
for extension, even if your visa has not expires yet, so don't go
till the last day of your visa. If your visa expires on the day of the
office is closed go the first day after, this way you'll get maximum
number of days to stay in Russia. (It also seems no problem, if when
you leave by train your visa has expired by a few days)
As of now you pick up your visa the next day, keep this in mind when
looking train ticket, don't book a ticket for the day you go for an
extention as the hope of getting it done in one day.
The office you need is on the first floor to the left, Room #1. Before
applying, go to the Saving Bank to pay the extension fee. The personal
in uvir Speaks English.
ではドイツ語は? と聞かれ、分からないと答えると、フランス語はと聞かれ、
次の章へ: 在モスクワ日本日本大使館について
前の章へ: OVIR