Subject: Your order has shipped (#701-3244534-1081805)
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 14:31:54 -0800 (PST)

Greetings from!

We thought you'd like to know we shipped your items, and that this
completes your order.

Thanks for shopping at, and we hope to see you again soon!

You can track the status of this order, and all of your orders, online by
visiting the Your Account page at
There, you can:
* track order and shipment status.
* review estimated delivery dates.
* cancel unshipped items.
* return items, and do much more!

The following items were included in this shipment:
Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal
1 Imagining Anne: The Island Sc CDN$ 24.57 1 CDN$ 24.57
1 Before Green Gables CDN$ 15.75 1 CDN$ 15.75

Item Subtotal: CDN$ 40.32
Shipping & Handling: CDN$ 39.97

GST: CDN$ 0.00

PST: CDN$ 0.00

Total: CDN$ 80.29

Paid by Visa: CDN$ 80.29


This shipment was sent to:

Satoshi Sugihara
1-2-3 Rokugo-naka, Ota-ku
Palace Ishidatami room 210
Tokyo, 123-4567

via DHL Express.

For your reference, the number you can use to track your package is
7937701362. You can refer to our Web site's Help page or:

to retrieve current tracking information. Please note that tracking
information might not be available immediately.

If you've explored the links on the Your Account page, but still need to
get in touch
with us about your order, you can find an e-mail form in our Help
department at

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that
cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thank you for shopping with us!
