Just think about it. If Maruyama Vaccine work, why?
Q: If you hear from friend or relative saying that Maruyama vaccine work as a cancer cure/preventive. Beside, Maruyama vaccine has fewer side effect than radiation and chemio-therapy. You should try... How would you say?
A: Maruyama vaccine has been used for 50 consecutive years in Japanese hospitals and never reported to be work. Only mild side effects.
From doctor of cancer's point of view, the effectiveness of the vaccine is "It's just water", but worse than water. Because trying Maruyama vaccine means, you must abandon radiation and chemio-therapy because even no effect, it is still a VACCINE so can not use Maruyama vaccine therapy and other therapy in once.
Q: But unlike radiation and chemio-therapy, Maruyama vaccine has fewer side effect. You are not cancer patient, and you don't understand how chemio-therapy is painful. And you are not doctor anyway.
A: I'm not a doctor nor cancer patient, that is true, but knowledgeable doctors who is specialize in cancer and observed many cancer patient, including who use Maruyama vaccine, make a same decision. It's just water. You claim that "Fewer side effect, less painful" but it doesn't mean Maruyama vaccine is good therapy, because there is no good against cancer at all.
Q: I accept that YOU are thinking so, but my loving family member is in bad condition and really want Maruyama vaccine. I hear it can be obtain from Japan, won't you help? I pay for what you expense.
A: Give purified water and say "It's Maruyama vaccine". Effectiveness is same, but no side effect at all. It doesn't cost so much, and no need to abandon normal medical care. Far superior to Maruyama vaccine.
Q: So you say "Tell lie to the patient?"
A: Maruyama vaccine can be obtain from Nippon Medical School, with agreement of doctor.(Doctors never prescribe Maruyama vaccine as a cancer cure/preventive) Price is not so expensive. Some embassy in Japan is said to assist obtain Maruyama vaccine, but I don't know the details.
113-8706 Research Institute of Vaccine Therapy for Tumors and Infectious Diseases Nippon Medical School 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Price (product name: Ancer 20) is 9450 yen (about 100USD) for 40 days. Office open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9 to 11 A.M. For the first time, bring doctors letter of agreements. Patient his/herself or family member resister for experimental therapy and receive vaccine. (Some said representative is OK, but not sure) Next time, vaccine can be delivered by postal parcel.
There is an phone number for questions, but average Japanese people could not understand English over phones. I'm not sure English ready person is waiting.
I can't take responsibility for the result, but some Web site lists listing two telephone numbers. First is, 03-3823-4620. Some site says it's operated in collaboration with Maruyama Vaccine Users and Family group. From overseas, Japanese international telephone code is 81, and omit first zero of area number. That makes, 81-3-3823-4620. For questions, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Japanese Standard Time is UTC-9, and no summer time system.
Next is 03-3822-2131. It's the representative telephone number of Nippon Medical School. Sime site says extension 365 is Research Institute, other says extension 5266 is tape message.
Nippon Medical Schools official Web site is http://www.nms.ac.jp/.
What you want is http://www.nms.ac.jp/PR/english/englicon/Affiliated/engli-1003.html
This Web site is beautifully designed, but
not so many English information is available at this stage.
Even no E-mail address are written. (Japanese pages, either)
But note it is true that Maruyama Vaccine is approved as an authorized pharmaceutical drug, but only for treat side effect of decreased number of white blood cell caused by radio-therapy, and not approved as cancer cure/preventive. This Web site doesn't mentions that. It appeared to be intentionally misleading and exaggerating what they life-long researched. Only they (Research Institute of Vaccine Therapy member) say that Maruyama Vaccine work. Please consider why no country in the world approved Maruyama Vaccine as cancer cure/preventive, even after 50 years has past since developed and clinically tested. This is the clear evidence of Maruyama Vaccine is no cure.
There might be regal problem for sending medicine form Japan to your country. As long as I know, Japanese medical law has not forbidding for Japanese to privately import from foreign country, as long as patient his/herself use it only, and not exceeding for 30 days usage per each import. Import for profit and sell it to others is strictly forbidden. But I'm not lawyer, not knowing about export at all, nor don't know your countries rule either. I don't participate in legally doubtful act, of course.
And again, I don't assist obtaining Maruyama vaccine. I don't go to Nippon Medical School for you nor anybody. I don't accept any money. If you dare to send money to my address, I just put it in charity money collecting box.
Research yourself as possible, ask doctors whatever. All I hope is you make right decision and never regret it.