米国国務省 大使館の報告書の個人的な部分訳


これは知人が旅行をするに先立ち、 日本人旅行者に関係があり、 かつ安全を確保する上で有用と思えた部分を個人的に翻訳したものです。 多忙で時間があまり取れなかったので、 不正確でもとにかく訳して渡せば無いよりは役に立つだろうと思って大胆に意訳したので、 内容の正確性は元から考えていません。 あくまで目安・参考としてください。

Israel and the Occupied Territories - Consular Information Sheet
September 14, 1999

COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: The state of Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a modern economy. Tourist facilities are widely available. Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem as a result of the 1967 War. Pursuant to negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, an elected Palestinian authority now exercises jurisdiction in most of Gaza and the major cities of the West Bank. Palestinian Authority police have responsibility for keeping order in those areas and the Palestinian Authority exercises a range of civil functions in other areas of the West Bank. The division of responsibilities and jurisdiction in the West Bank and Gaza between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is complex. Definitive information on entry, customs requirements, arrests, and other matters in the West Bank and Gaza may not be available and is subject to change without prior notice.


The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, is located at 71 Hayarkon Street. The U.S. mailing address is PSC 98, Box 0001, APO AE 09830. The telephone number is (972)(3) 519-7575. The number after 4:30 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m. local time is (972)(3) 519-7551. The fax number is (972)(3) 516-0315. The Embassy's e-mail address is amctelaviv@state.gov and its Internet web page is http://www.usembassy-israel.org.il/.

The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy should be contacted for information and help in the following areas: Israel, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and ports of entry at Ben Gurion Airport, Gaza International Airport, Haifa Port, and the northern (Jordan River) and southern (Arava) border crossings connecting Israel and Jordan.

The Consular Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem is located at 27 Nablus Road. The U.S. mailing address is Unit 7228, Box 0039, APO AE 09830. The telephone number is (972)(2) 622-7000. The number after 5:00 p.m. and before 8:15 a.m. local time is (972)(2) 622-7250. The fax number is (972)(2) 627-2233. The Consulate General's Internet web page is http://www.usis-jerusalem.org/visas.htm.

The U.S. Consulate General should be contacted for information and help in the following areas: West and East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Allenby Bridge border crossing connecting Jordan with the West Bank.

There is a U.S. Consular Agent in Haifa, at telephone (972)(4) 853-1446, who reports to the Embassy in Tel Aviv. The Consular Agent can provide routine and emergency services in the north.


ISRAEL: A passports, an onward or return ticket, and proof of sufficient funds are required for entry. A three-month visa may be issued for no charge upon arrival, and may be renewed. Anyone who has been refused entry or experienced difficulties with his/her visa status during a previous visit, or who has overstayed a visa, can obtain information from the Israeli Embassy or nearest Israeli consulate regarding the advisability of attempting to return to Israel. Permission must be obtained from Israel for anyone attempting to claim the status of a returning resident.

PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY: Except during periods of heightened security restrictions, most U.S. citizens, other than Palestinian Americans who now hold or have ever held resident status in the West Bank or Gaza (see below), may enter and exit Gaza and the West Bank on a U.S. passport with an Israeli entry stamp. It is not necessary to obtain a visitor's permit from the Palestinian Authority. Private vehicles may not cross from Israel into Gaza. In addition, private vehicles may expect to be stopped at checkpoints entering or leaving the West Bank.

Palestinian Americans with past or current residency status in the West Bank or Gaza may be subject to the same travel regulations governing entry to and exit from Israel that affect all resident Palestinians. First, such individuals are required to hold a Palestinian passport to enter or depart Gaza or the West Bank via Israel, although this requirement is generally waived for visits of less than 30 days. Those who arrive at Ben Gurion airport without a Palestinian passport are generally granted permission to travel to the West Bank or Gaza to obtain one. Second, they must also obtain a transit permit before re-entering Israel including any planned departure via Ben Gurion airport. A transit permit is not required for departure via the Gaza International Airport or via the Rafah or Allenby border crossings, but a Palestinian passport is required. During periods of heightened security restrictions, Palestinian Americans with past or current residency status in the West Bank or Gaza may not be allowed to enter or exit Gaza or the West Bank, even if using their American passports.

Palestinians who last departed Israel before the May 1994 Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area or the September 1995 Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip should re-enter Israel through the same port of entry from which they last left (and where their travel documents were then deposited).

Specific questions may be addressed to the nearest Israeli embassy or consulate.

ISRAEL-JORDAN CROSSINGS: International crossing points now operate between Israel and Jordan at the Arava crossing (Wadi al-'Arabah) in the south (near Eilat) and at the Jordan River crossing (Sheikh Hussein Bridge) in the north (near Beit Shean). Prior visas are not necessary for American citizens using these two crossing points to enter either Israel or Jordan, but such travelers will have to pay a fee. Visas should be obtained in advance for those wanting to cross the Allenby Bridge which links Jordan and the occupied West Bank. (Note: Palestinian Americans with past or current residency status in the West Bank or Gaza may only cross into Jordan by land using the Allenby Bridge.) Procedures for all crossings into Jordan are subject to frequent changes.

For further entry information, travelers may contact the Embassy of Israel at 3514 International Dr., NW, Washington, D.C. 20008, telephone (202) 364-5500, or the Israeli Consulate General in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Houston.

CUSTOMS REQUIREMENTS: Video cameras, among other items, must be declared upon entry to Israel and travelers carrying these items must go through the red zone at customs. Definitive information on customs requirements for the Palestinian Authority is not available.

ビデオカメラを持っている場合は、入国に際に「申告する物あり」の赤い税関の列に並ぶ。 パレスチナ自治区の税関に関する正確な情報は入手できていない。

追記:パレスチナ自治区はイスラエル国内でありながら、イスラエルではないので、 パレスチナ自治区に入る場合は「入国審査」が必要。

ちなみにノートPCを持っていったある日本人は入国審査の際に係官に不審物ではないかと疑われて分解されたとの事です。 結局、爆弾ではなかったという事を納得した係官はバラバラになったPCを返してきたが 組み立てなかったので旅行中にバラバラになったPCを持ち歩く羽目になり、 帰国後に修理に出したという悲惨な体験談もありました。


カメラやビデオは気にせずに持っていって構わない。 時間はかかるが、とにかくいずれ入国はできる。 カメラなら、写真を撮って爆弾ではないという事を示せば大抵納得するだろう。 この辺の判断は、入国審査官の考えや、旅行者の印象で決まる。 検査には協力的な態度でのんびりと構え、 「さあどうぞごゆっくり検査してください。 怪しいものは何もありませんから」といった姿勢が伝われば、 結局は早く終わると思います。 ただもしビデオカメラが分解されたらもう組み立てられないです。

SECURITY MEASURES: Israel has strict security measures that may affect visitors. Prolonged questioning and detailed searches may take place at the time of entry and/or departure at all points of entry to Israel, including entry from any of the areas under Palestinian jurisdiction. Travelers with Arabic surnames, those who ask that Israeli stamps NOT be entered into their passports, and unaccompanied female travelers have been delayed and subjected to close scrutiny at points of entry. For security reasons, delays or obstacles in bringing in, or departing with, cameras or electronic equipment are not unusual. During searches and questioning, American citizens may be denied access to U.S. consular officers, lawyers, or family members.

安全対策: イスラエルは厳しい安全対策を取っており、 旅行者は影響を受ける可能性がある。 長時間の質問と厳重な検査が入/出国時(パレスチナ自治区に入る/出る場合を含む)に行われる事がある。 アラブ姓を持つ旅行者で、 イスラエルの入国スタンプを押さないように頼んだり、 妻を伴っていない旅行者は、時間がかかったり、精密に調べられたりする。 安全上の理由で、カメラや電子製品の持込み/持ち出しの際は 入/出国時に時間がかかったり足止めをされる事も珍しくない。 質問や検査の間、アメリカ市民は、アメリカの領事館や弁護士、家族の人間と連絡を拒否されることがある。

The Government of Israel is concerned about the potential for violence with the influx of religious travelers and others to witness the coming of the new Millennium, and therefore is taking extra security measures. The Israeli National Police have arrested and deported members of religious groups who they believed intended to commit violent acts in Israel. Members of such groups should be advised that the Israeli authorities will monitor their stay in Israel in an effort to prevent violence.

イスラエル政府は大勢の、宗教心のある旅行者や、新たな千年紀をこの目で見ようとする者達が流入して潜在的な暴力行為の発生の可能性を懸念しているので、 特別な安全対策を講じている。 イスラエル国家警察は、国内で暴力行為を起こすことを意図している考えを持つ 宗教団体のメンバーを国外追放してきた。 そのような団体のメンバーは、イスラエルの当局者が騒動を防ぐために国内における活動を監視していることを心に留めておくべきである。

  • オリーブ山で「預言者エレミヤ」を自称する指導者に率いられたグループがアメリカ国内で家を売って、 イエスの再臨を見ようと山にテントを張って何週間もさまよっていた。(Newsweek 英語版による)
  • イエスの再臨に備えてエルサレムを清めようと考えたオーストラリアの狂信的キリスト教徒がモスクに放火した事件が過去にあった。
  • イスラム寺院を爆破する事でイスラム教徒とキリスト教徒の間で戦争を起こさせてハルマゲドンの日を早めようと考えたグループがイスラエル国内のアパートで爆弾を準備している所を未然に摘発されて国外追放された。
  • 観光や聖地巡礼にくるならともかく、 こういった連中に来られてはイスラエルも困るので、 狂信・カルト団体の構成員でないかどうかチェックをする可能性があるという事です。

    TERRORISM/SECURITY: Although they have not been targeted for attack, U.S. citizens have been injured or killed in past terrorist actions in Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The most recent attacks have been in highly frequented shopping and pedestrian areas, and on 1 buses. The U.S. Embassy and Consulate General have warned their employees and American citizens to exercise caution when utilizing 1 transportation, and when in the vicinity of bus stops and other crowded areas. Travelers should remain aware of their immediate surroundings, and should not touch any suspicious object.

    イスラエルでアメリカ人が直接のテロの犠牲になった事は無い。 近頃のテロは、特に人で混み合った場所である市場や歩行者道路、 公共バスで起きている。 米国大使館と領事は、そこの職員、及び米国市民に公共交通機関を利用するときや、 バス停の近くや、人でごった返している所では注意をするように呼びかけている。

    U.S. citizens should not remain in an area where a demonstration or altercation appears to be developing. Such gatherings can occur spontaneously, and have the potential to become violent without warning. American visitors should leave the area immediately if disturbances occur, or, if inside Jerusalem's Old City where means of exit are limited, seek safe haven inside a shop or restaurant until the incident is over.

    旅行者は周囲の状況に注意し、何であれ不審な物(爆弾かもしれない)には触らないこと。 米国市民は、デモや、口論が起きている場所にとどまっているべきではない。 こうのような人だかりは自然発生することがあり、 前触れ無しに暴力的対立に発展する可能性がある。 米国の訪問者は暴動が起きている場所はから直ちに立ち去るか、または、 もしエルサレムの旧市街(壁に囲まれているので脱出ルートが限定される)にいる 場合は、安全そうな店やレストランの中に逃げ込んで事件が収るまで隠れていること。


    WEST BANK AND GAZA: The U.S. Government maintains security procedures regarding travel of U.S. Government employees, officials, and dependents to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. U.S. Government employees travel to these areas in secure vehicles and are often escorted. At times of heightened tension, they are often instructed not to travel at all to these areas. Those U.S. Government employees who work and travel in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip do so only for specific business purposes (with the exception of tourist visits to sites mentioned below). Moreover, U.S. Government employees are authorized to work and travel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip only if they know well the local area, language and/or security conditions. Travel guidelines for U.S. Government employees may change at any time.

    ヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区:米国政府は、政府職員や役人、政府のために働いている民間人がヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区を出張旅行する場合に安全が保たれるような手段を講じている。 米国政府の職員は安全な車両で、しかも大抵、警備車両に先導されて移動する。 この地域で緊張が高まっている場合は、大抵の場合、この地区に行くことを取りやめる。 これらの米国政府職員がヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区に行くのは、 特別な商用の必要がある場合に限られる。(後に言及する観光目的の訪問は例外) それに加え、 米国政府職員がヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区に(訳注:公務として)行く事が認められるのは、 該当する職員がその地域の事情、現地の言語、 または少なくとも当地の安全状況に良く通じている場合だけである。 米国政府職員の旅行のための指針は必要に応じていつでも変更され得る。

    Demonstrations by Palestinians and Israelis in Gaza and the West Bank have led to confrontations and clashes with the police and military, with some turning deadly. Stone throwing and other forms of violence can occur without warning and can escalate quickly. Hebron, in particular, presents a significant risk of confrontation and should be avoided. In view of the continued potential for violence and unrest in the West Bank and Gaza, the State Department advises all American citizens to exercise extreme caution when traveling to these areas. Tourist visits to the West Bank and Gaza are discouraged and should be avoided, except for visits to Bethlehem, Jericho, Highway 1 from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, Route 90 through the Jordan Valley, and tourist sites along these routes. Accessible sites for visits include the Inn of the Samaritan, Nebi Musa, St. George's Monastery, Mount of Temptation Monastery, Qumran, and Qualiah Water Park.

    ガザ地区及びヨルダン川西岸のパレスチナ人とイスラエル人のデモは、対決に発展し 警察と軍隊に実力で制圧されるが、幾つかは死者も出る。 投石や他の形態の暴力行為は前触れ無しに起きて、直ぐにエスカレートする事もある。 ヘブロンは特に対決が起き易いので避けるべきである。 暴力行為と政情不安が続いている現状を鑑み、 米国国務省は全ての米国市民に、 この地区への訪問は特別な警戒と注意を払うように助言する。 ヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区の訪問は、ベツレヘム、エリコ、 国道1号のエルサレムから死海、ヨルダン渓谷を通るルート90、 及びこれらの道路沿いの観光地を除いて避けるべきである。 訪問可能な場所には、「良きサマリア人」が宿泊していたのだと称される場所、 Nebi Musa (イスラム教徒によってモーセの墓があるのだとされている所)、 聖ジョージ修道院(ここをエリヤが訪問した、または、 ヨアキムの妻アンナがここで泣いたら処女マリアの受胎を天使によって告知された、 といった伝承がある場所)、 クムラン(死海写本が出た所。ただし死海写本はいまだにクムランの洞窟にあるわけではなく、エルサレムのイスラエル博物館で保存されている)、 Qualiah Water Park が含まれる。

    During periods of unrest, the West Bank and Gaza are sometimes closed off by the Israeli government. Travel restrictions may be imposed with little or no warning. Strict measures have frequently been imposed following terrorist actions. In such circumstances, movement of Palestinians (including Palestinian Americans with past or current residency status in the West Bank or Gaza) and foreign passport holders has been severely impaired.

    政情が不安な期間はヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区はイスラエル政府により閉鎖される。旅行は僅かな警告だけしか与えられずに、あるいは、 全く警告無しに制約を受ける。 厳しい規制はテロ行為勃発の後にしばしば命じられる。 このような状況ではパレスチナ人(パレスチナ出身のアメリカ人も ヨルダン川西岸及びガザ地区に住んでいた/住んでいる場合は対象になる) 及び外国人の移動は厳しく制限される。

    JERUSALEM: In Jerusalem, travelers can reduce their risk of being involved in violent incidents by exercising caution at religious sites on holy days, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Dress appropriately when visiting the Old City and ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. Most roads into ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhoods are blocked off on Friday nights and Saturdays. Assaults on secular visitors, either for being in cars or for being "immodestly dressed," have been known to occur in these neighborhoods.

    エルサレム:旅行者は崇拝のための場所に祭日や、金・土・日に行く場合は 注意を払うことで暴力事件に巻き込まれる危険を低減できる。 旧市街や、保守派ユダヤ教徒の居住区の近くに行く場合はふさわしい服装をすること。安息日の金曜の夜から土曜日は保守派ユダヤ教徒の居住区は封鎖される。 世的な格好をした旅行者は、歩いていても車に乗っていても、 この場所にふさわしくない服装だとして反感を買い、 暴行を加えられる事が起こりうる事で知られている。

    IN THE NORTH: In the Golan Heights, there are live land mines in many areas, and some minefields have not been clearly marked or fenced. Visitors who walk only on established roads or trails will reduce the risk of injury from mines. Close to the northern border of Israel, rocket attacks from Lebanese territory can occur without warning.

    北部:ゴラン高原では、爆発可能な地雷が各所にあり、 幾つかの地雷原は警告の標識も無ければフェンスも張られていない。 渡航者は安全が確保されている道路や山道だけを歩く事で地雷の被害を低減できる。 イスラエル北部国境近くではレバノン領内からのロケット攻撃が警告無しに発生する。

    AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has assessed the government of Israel's civil aviation authority as Category 1 - in compliance with international aviation safety standards for oversight of Israel's air carrier operations. For further information, travelers may contact the Department of Transportation within the U.S. at 1-800-322-7873, or visit the FAA's website at http://www.faa.gov/avr/iasa/index.htm. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) separately assesses some foreign air carriers for suitability as official providers of air services. For information regarding the DOD policy on specific carriers, travelers may contact DOD at 618-256-4801.

    DRIVING AND ROAD CONDITIONS: There is a high rate of fatalities relating to auto accidents, and drivers should use caution. Aggressive driving and car theft are serious problems. While the roads in Israel are well built, the roads in Gaza and most of the West Bank are of poor quality.

    ARRESTS AND DETENTION: Normally, U.S. citizens arrested by the Israeli National Police (INP) in Israel and charged with crimes are entitled to legal representation and consular notification and visitation. Typically the INP notifies the Embassy or Consulate General within two days of arrest, and consular access is normally granted within four days. This procedure may be expedited if the arrested American shows a U.S. passport to the police, or asks for access to the Embassy or Consulate General.

    However, U.S. citizens arrested for security offenses, and U.S. citizens arrested in the West Bank or Gaza for criminal offenses may be prevented from communicating with lawyers, family members, or consular officers for lengthy periods. The U.S. Consulate General and the Embassy are often not notified of such arrests, or are not notified in a timely manner. Consular access to the arrestees is frequently delayed. U.S. citizens arrested for security offenses may be subject to mistreatment during the interrogation period of their cases. They may be detained for up to six months at a time without charges. Youths over the age of 14 have been detained and tried as adults. Notification may be faster if the detained American shows a U.S. passport, or asks the local authorities to contact the Embassy or Consulate General.

    MEDICAL FACILITIES: Modern medical care and medicines are available in Israel. However, some hospitals in Israel and most hospitals in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank fall below U.S. standards. Travelers can find information in English about emergency medical facilities and after-hours pharmacies in the Jerusalem Post and English language Ha'aretz newspapers. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services.

    U.S. medical insurance is not always valid outside the United States. The Medicare/Medicaid program does not provide for payment of medical services outside the United States. You should check with your own insurance company to confirm whether your policy applies overseas, including provision for medical evacuation. Ascertain whether payment will be made to the overseas hospital or doctor or whether you will be reimbursed later for expenses that you incur. Some insurance policies also include coverage for psychiatric treatment and for disposition of remains in the event of death. Useful information on medical emergencies abroad, including overseas insurance programs, is provided in the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs brochure, Medical Information for Americans Traveling Abroad, available via its home page and autofax service.

    Travelers from regions where contagious diseases are prevalent may need to show shot records before entry into Israel. Information on vaccinations and other health precautions may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's international travelers hotline at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747), fax: 1-888-CDC-FAXX (1-888-232-3299), or by visiting the CDC Internet home page at http://www.cdc.gov/.

    INFORMATION ON CRIME: The crime rate is moderate in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The loss or theft of a U.S. passport abroad should be reported immediately to local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Useful information on safeguarding valuables, protecting personal security, and other matters is provided in the Department of State pamphlets, A Safe Trip Abroad and Tips for Travelers to the Middle East and North Africa. They are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, via the Internet at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs, or via the Bureau of Consular Affairs home page at http://travel.state.gov/.

    DRUG PENALTIES: U.S. citizens are subject to the laws of the territory in which they are traveling. Penalties for possession, use or trafficking in illegal drugs are severe in Israel, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and fines. The Palestinian Authority also has strict penalties for drug use by persons under its jurisdiction.

    COURT JURISDICTION: Israel's rabbinical courts exercise jurisdiction over all Jewish citizens and residents of Israel in cases of marriage and divorce and related issues, such as support and child custody. In some cases, Jewish Americans, who entered Israel as tourists, have become defendants in divorce cases filed by their American spouses in Israeli rabbinical courts. These Americans have been detained in Israel for prolonged periods while the Israeli courts consider whether they have sufficient ties to Israel to establish rabbinical court jurisdiction. Jewish American visitors should be aware that they may be subject to involuntary and prolonged stays in Israel if a case is filed against them in a rabbinical court, even if their marriage took place in the U.S. and/or their spouse is not present in Israel.

    DUAL NATIONALITY: Israeli citizens naturalized in the United States retain their Israeli citizenship, and their children are considered Israeli citizens as well. In addition, children born in the United States to Israeli parents acquire both U.S. and Israeli nationality at birth. Israeli citizens, including dual nationals, are subject to Israeli laws requiring service in Israel's armed forces. U.S.-Israeli dual nationals of military age who do not wish to serve in the Israeli armed forces may contact the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. to obtain proof of exemption or deferment from Israeli military service before going to Israel. Otherwise, they may not be able to leave the country without doing military service and may be subject to criminal penalties for failure to serve. Israeli citizens, including dual nationals, must enter and depart Israel on their Israeli passports.

    Palestinian Americans with past or current residency status are subject to the same regulations as other resident Palestinians. American citizens with residency rights in Gaza or the West Bank are normally required to depart these areas with Palestinian passports. Residents of Jerusalem are normally required to use laissez-passers with re-entry permits approved by the Israeli Ministry of Interior.

    All U.S. citizens with dual nationality must enter and depart the U.S. on their U.S. passports.

    CHILDREN'S ISSUES: For information on the international adoption of children, international parental child abduction, and international child support enforcement issues, please refer to our Internet site at http://travel.state.gov/children's_issues.html or telephone: (202) 736-7000.

    REGISTRATION: The State Department advises American citizens who plan to be in the region for a substantial period of time to register at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv or the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem. E-mail registration for the Embassy is possible at amctelaviv@state.gov. When registering, U.S. citizens can obtain updated information on travel and security in the area.


    This replaces the Consular Information Sheet dated February 17, 1999.

    Consular Information Sheets and Travel Warnings